5 Ways to Fight Cancer this World Cancer Day!

by Madhvi Bansal

Cancer is considered as the major reason for deaths nowadays. It is affecting the lives of almost every single person of a family worldwide. Very few are observed who are still away from this disease. There are many types of cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc. However, it is really necessary for all of us to take proper precautions to prevent this disease. The “World Cancer Day” is observed globally every year on 4 th February which gives an opportunity to every one of us to unite and fight against this harmful disease.

According to the “World Health Organization” (WHO), we should join this fight against this issue as this a disease is estimated to cause 9.6 million deaths worldwide till last year amongst which half of the cancer deaths occurred in Asia nearly 60% of the world’s population. Moreover, the WHO also found that these numbers may get doubled by 2030. Oral cavity, lung, and breast cancers are considered as the majority of cases observed in India today.

Of course, the issues related to cancer are really very high, but it is also possible to prevent some of the cancers by taking proper actions especially in developing countries. This is the reason why it is necessary to join this fight against cancer. The theme for World Cancer Day this year i.e., 2020 is “I am and I will”. We all can take part in this to discuss the issue and take the following steps to prevent cancer:


The first thing we should do before joining this fight is to teach ourselves first about cancer properly. It is really important to have full knowledge of different types of cancers, their causes and effects on our community and country and how can we reduce the risks of this disease by taking some steps and making changes in our lifestyle.


Before raising your voice, try to have a talk about cancer with your family, friends, and relatives. Interact especially with some cancer patients and survivors near you through the medium of this opportunity to understand properly about it. After that, use your voice for spreading awareness amongst the people and promote your ideas for the change in the attitudes you may bring to avoid cancer.


Social media is playing a very important role in spreading the news about anything. There are various platforms through which we may spread information and connect with people who are also a part of the fight against cancer by the medium of the internet globally to exchange and discuss ideas with each other effectively. Voice your concern by creating groups and communities and organizing events through social media.


Apart from spreading awareness on your own, try to communicate with some healthcare professionals, government officials or policymakers in your city who can seriously help in making effective changes in your area to prevent cancer by making problem arrangements and facilities like monthly vaccination against the “Human Papillomavirus” which causes cervical cancer.


Most of the information which is specially published by international organizations do not help in reaching to each and every person as it is written generally in English. We all can speak two or more languages and if you speak two languages fluently, it may help in translating the information from English to local languages like Hindi which all of us know to spread the awareness.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are suffering from this disease or not it is really important for all of us to take proper precautions. These are some easy steps we all can take which may help in preventing the worldwide problem of cancer up to some extent. Hence, this World Cancer Day we should take a pledge to join this global fight against the problem of cancer.