This Is The Best We Could Offer: Center, Meeting Deadlocked

by Shatakshi Gupta

Everyone have their eye of the farmers protest now, that when and how the things are to sorted; and for the same the discussions and deliberations are being carried out between the centre and the farmers. It is now that even after 11 round of talks between both the sides, yet they need to be concordant. Negotiations between the government and the farmer leaders have been fruitless till date.

Also read: IMF Sees 3 Contentious Farm Laws As Progressive

Now it is that after the 11th meeting, which was held on 22nd January, no further dates have been set aside by the centre. The proposal kept forward by the government in the last meeting is now being supposed to be the final one. But farmers have straightforwardly rejected the proposal that was made by the centre.

Farmers do not want any negotiations rather; they have their continuous demand of repealing all the three farm laws. From the very first day of the protest this is what farmers have been demanding from the Union Government.

After the end of the last meeting between the government and the farmer leaders, the government clearly stated that the last proposal has been given to the farmers. The government already unambiguously stated that it would definitely welcome and respect the order of the Supreme Court, also they will express their views before the committee which is supposed to be set up by the Supreme Court.

Last proposal of Government

According to ANI news, the ministers told reporters that the talks remained inconclusive. “Dignity was maintained but I feel the interest of farmers was not kept supreme during the dialogue and that’s why a conclusion could not be reached”, he said.

Narendra Singh Tomar stated that the farmer unions conveyed during the talks that they had rejected the government’s proposal to put the implementation of new farm laws “on-hold” for around one-and-a-half-years and insisted on repealing of laws.

Government made it very clear from it’s end that they are still open for discussions over the agricultural laws, but only if they are with view of bringing amendments to these laws and not for repealing them.

Situation of deadlock

Now this again brings everything to a deadlock, where government is only ready for considering the amendments to the bills, farmers are only demanding for the complete revocation of all the three farm laws straightaway. Now with their last proposal government also made it very clear that still if farmers refuse to agree on this, then further negotiations could be difficult. The farmers are persistently agitating on the borders of Delhi for a long time.

Agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar also added that, there are many such forces, which want to carry on the movement further and they intend to get something good out of the conversation.

Keeping everything aside, farmers are adamant on carrying out a tractor rally on 26th January. Farmers are deliberately making preparations for their tractor rally which is to be conducted in Delhi; farmers from different parts of the country are moving ahead towards Delhi for this tractor rally.

Further conversations are also being held between the farmers and the Delhi police, as this rally is the matter of law and order. Here, till now the conversation of the farmers with the Delhi Police about the rally has also remained fruitless. As the police is against the idea of  taking out the rally on the Outer Ring Road of Delhi, but farmers are firm on their decision of taking out their tractor rally on the Outer Ring Road.