Priya Prakash Varrier, who earlier had been one of the most admired social media sensation is finally making her debut with a Telugu movie named “Check”. In this movie, Priya Prakash will be seen with some of the most popular actors of Tollywood. She will be seen working opposite with the Telugu star actor, Nithin as well as Rakul Preet Singh.
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The trailer of the upcoming movie “Check” was launched recently on YouTube. This trailer is already viewed by millions of people. Actress Priya Prakash Varrier already has her own fan base since her eye gestures video became viral and loved by all and won their hearts.
Priya is now making her debut with Tollywood, along with popular co-actors Nithin and Rakul Preet Singh in lead roles.
A 40-second teaser was released earlier which gave a glimpse of this movie, but later the official trailer of this movie was released few days back. The genre of the movie seemed to be as a thriller drama, and also holds a lot of suspense within.
Nithin becomes a prisoner
In the trailer, Nithin can be seen as a prisoner who is portrayed as a traitor and he is given the death penalty. While in prison, Nithin’s character shows his ability to play chess like a champion and participates in many competitions despite being a prisoner.
#ChandraShekarYeleti's #Check's trailer to be out on February 3 #Nithiin #RakulPreet #Tollywood #TeluguCinema #priyavarrier
— Hyderabad Times (@HydTimes) January 31, 2021
Rakul Preet as a criminal lawyer
Simultaneously, Rakul Preet Singh is playing the role of the criminal lawyer in the film, who feels that Nithin is innocent. She will stand for him so that he is not punished. She appeals to the court to allow Nithin to participate in competitions and must get a chance to showcase his talent. Meanwhile, we can also see some action scenes in the jail and in the flashback, Priya Prakash Varrier is seen with Nithin.
The worldwide release of the movie is scheduled for 26 February, 2021. Fans are very fond of the trailer of this film made under the direction of Chandra Shekhar. Apart from this even, #PriyaPrakashVarrier was trending on Twitter.