Man Loses Daughter’s Pet Hamster, She Posts Screenshots Of Their Chat

by Madhvi Bansal
Man loses daughter's pet

A man whose daughter has just turned 13 was a matter of worry for him. He wanted her to either go to a convent or buy a pet for her to keep her busy and cheerful. Here the man wanted to buy a horse for her daughter but it was difficult to manage a horse in a city surrounding. Hence the girl has gifted a hamster. This little golden creature was interesting. The hamster looked like a rat and it was timid and curious. It was named Lemmiwicks. Gradually, the pet was everyone’s favorite and from an outhouse, he was shifted into the kitchen of the house. A lot of shopping was done for him a cage, slides and his gym. Even the girl’s father thought of miniature curtains for his cage.

The girl’s brother who was fond of football now started liking the little silky, homely creature. The main trouble started when the young boy who was watching a late-night comedy serial and brought Lemmiwicks for his company. As the boy settled down on the sofa, the little creature moved along the boy’s chest and legs and then onto the floor. Lemmiwicks started moving in circles across the carpet. Finally, he went towards a hole in the floor near the radiator. The hole was not bigger than the size of the two pens coin. But this little creature wrinkled through the hole and soon disappeared.
The girl’s brother was so scared and looked like a ghost while looking for the creature. Everyone started searching for Lemmiwicks. Even on the internet hamster’s search appeared under the heading Lost and Found.
Internet search started, the documentaries about lost Hamster’s and advises on the matter was searched. In the past, some newspapers also published front-page stories about lost hamsters.

The encyclopedic advice on the matter was first of all the area where the creature was lost must be scaled off. All the surrounding doors need to be closed. In some cases, hamsters have been found in shoes and coat pockets and down the craps in the sofa sets. Yet other cases say that they could disappear into the jaws of passing cats and dogs.
In the case of Lemmiwicks, the situation was serious as it disappeared under the floorboards and nobody knew about the unseen threats under the floor. Here the matter was not only to find hamster but to bring it back safe.
Hamsters are nocturnal creatures, who remain active during the night. Therefore all the tracking activities were done at night.

The floor was spread with flour across a large area of flour boards, to reveal pop prints of the hamster. An interesting and most elaborate kind of trap was set.
Piles of books, miniatures planks of wood and a bucket lined with soft towel and cheese and apple were scattered here and there as a trap.

Sunflowers seeds were scattered around the path from the floorboards to the cage. One person was supposed to observe the steps of the kitchen for at least two hours just to observe the hamster’s entry to the kitchen. When the head of the family has his turn he could not keep himself awake. When he woke up he was told that imprints of paws of the hamster were seen on the floor. All the sunflower seeds were gone, maybe eaten by Lemmiwicks. He was back in his cage. The same night when the man was having to bathe the creature tried to run away. It went back to the drawing boards and cunningly tried to avoid all the traps. Ultimately the daughter advised buying a female hamster for his company if necessary hamster could be replaced.