Fiber Rich Foods: Fiber Rich Diet Great For Health; Know Why?

by Shatakshi Gupta

All the doctors, dietitians as well as all the nutritionists, always recommend for the intake of plenty of Fiber rich foods in your diet.  Have you ever given it a thought that why they do so? Do you know about the benefits of consuming fiber?  There are multiple benefits of consuming fiber. There is a long list of health benefits of fiber, but the question arises in everyone that how much fiber should be consumed in a day?  As we already know that excess consumption of anything can turn out harmful for our bodies and same goes with fiber, number of researches have stated that people who consume more fiber can even suffer from certain heart related problems and also with other diseases.

So first let’s have a view of few of the benefits of fiber rich diet which we have enlisted below for you.

  • Normalizes bowel movements.
  • Helps in maintaining your bowel health. 
  • Helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. 

How much fiber is necessary for health

 When it comes to weight loss, it is advisable to consume fiber rich things first.  Fiber can be helpful in reducing cholesterol and glucose levels.  There can be amazing health benefits of consuming fiber as well.

Also read: What are the healthy foods that you can eat frequently?

Fiber deficiency symptoms

 If your body is short of fiber, what are the signs of this?  If you do not consume plenty of fiber then you may have constipation problem.  If you feel that your stomach is not clearing well, then this can be a sign of fiber deficiency in your body.  Also, if you keep feeling tired and weak, this can also be due to fiber deficiency.  Fiber-rich things should be consumed to overcome the lack of fiber.

If your obesity is increasing rapidly, then understand that there is a shortage of fiber in your body, because the fiber keeps your stomach full, due to lack of it you eat more food and your obesity starts increasing quickly.  If you are coming across such signs indicating fiber deficiency then definitely increase fiber consumption in your diet, increase the amount of whole grains in your diet. 

Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Such as peas, pears, brown rice, corn, flax seeds, cauliflower, cabbage, oranges, bananas, almonds, figs, apples and onions.