PM Modi sought forgiveness on Mann Ki Baat

by Shatakshi Gupta

The world is currently going through one of the hardest times in human history, the markets across the world are out of business, people are locked inside their nests and stock markets are nosediving. India is no other exception for this gruesome situation. Ever since the PM Modi announced the nationwide lockdown for 21 days, the country is under economic distress. The lockdown is affecting the poor daily wagers the most, as all work in the country is closed for 21 days, the labor class is finding it very hard to survive. To counter this shock to some extent Modi government came with relief package worth of 1.70 lakh crore named as Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojna, also the RBI came with some relief package to control the money supply through its interim monetary policy.

After the announcement of 21 days lockdown, PM Modi addressed the nation on Sunday through Mann Ki Baat and told the nation that he had no choice but the lockdown. He also sought forgiveness for the difficulties which people are facing due to nationwide lockdown. His message is “I had to take certain decisions which have put you in a lot of difficulty. Especially when I look at my poor brothers and sisters, I definitely feel they must be thinking, what kind of a Prime Minister is this, who has placed us in this difficulty. Possibly, many would be angry at me for being locked in their home,I seek forgiveness, I strongly feel you will forgive me,”  he also added “Today every Indian is staying inside home to save one’s life. But, in the coming days, the same Indian will break all barriers for the country’s progress, take it forward” , he further said “ We have to win this battle and We will triumph this. Next month, we will meet for Mann Ki Baat again, and I thank you all with the hope, the good wishes that we will be able to overcome this big problem by then” . PM also urged the country to show some sensitivity towards homeless and poor people who are migrating to their native places. We are from the culture where we prefer to feed the poor first and we can do this. He warned country of the dire situation if not followed this lockdown religiously. He said “For a country the size of India, we need strong measures. Nobody likes to take such strong measures, but it is the only option, having seen what happened in other countries and learning that the disease must be dealt with at the beginning before it becomes incurable.” PM also warned those who are not taking this lockdown seriously and gave the examples of countries where the situation is far worse. He added that this lockdown is for our betterment and safety from this disastrous situation. At the same time, Mr. Modi thanked the frontline warriors such as doctors, nurses, policemen, essential service providers and people who make the internet work.

PM also urged the country not to discriminate with people who are under quarantine and those who treat them as they are also our brothers and sisters.  He said that we should not get panic and simply follow the social distancing and meanwhile discover something new within ourselves. He also invited some persons who recovered COVID-19, the invitees shared their experience at the hospital and urged people to not get panic.

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