Things that you can learn from Kabir Singh

by Madhvi Bansal
Kabir Singh

Shahid Kapoor starring movie Kabir Singh has got the mixed reviews from the viewers. There were many who said that character alcoholic Kabir Singh may spoil the kids and influence them to become an alcoholic or a chain smoker. However, there were many who found that movie Kabir Singh is inspiring and has a lot of things to learn. Kabir Singh is a character that is full of grace, intensity and flaws. Rest, it totally depends upon the viewer how they perceive the character and what they learn from the movie.

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Top 5 things to learn from Kabir Singh

Focus on your career: After watching Kabir Singh, the youth should learn to stay focus on their career no matter what the situation is. Kabir Singh was a Surgeon in the movie and his college days were portrayed in the film. Despite falling in love with Preeti, a first year medical student, he never compromised with his career. Infact, he told Preeti about the importance of an MBBS degree and helped her to learn the medical concepts in his own way. Along with this, it was inspiring that even after Kabir was expelled from his father’s house he took his profession seriously and remained focused. 

Find true friends: In the movie Kabir Singh, Shiva showcased his friendship for Kabir in a very distinguished manner. Not only he supported Kabir in meeting with his girlfriend Preeti but also stood by his side when Kabir’s father expelled him from the house, Kabir Singh was alleged to perform the surgeries under influence and Kabir injected the drugs. From beginning till the end, Shiva remain with Kabir. Everyone should have atleast one friend in his life so that all the problems of the lives can be resolved. 

If someone Loves you, don’t give up on them: Like Kabir  had given a deadline to Preeti to take the final decision to either choose her family or the love of her life, one should not put such restriction on his/her partner. Try to be empathic with your partner and understand the situations that your partner is facing. Don’t make your relationship toxic and solve.

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Development of Character: The transformation of Kabir Singh from being an alcoholgic to a responsible parent is seen in the movie. The development of character comes from his conscience. He tried to development himself as a person. Similarly, one should focus on developing ones character.

Never give up: Instead of running away from the adverse situations, Kabir Singh never gave up. He never gave up his career nor on the love of his life. Even he knew that Preeti got married to someone else, he still kept on loving her. He could feel her everywhere and finally one day he found her. If you trust and love someone, don’t give up.