War Started Between Armenia And Azerbaijan; Know, What Turkey And Russia Are Saying?

by Shatakshi Gupta

Two countries, former part of erstwhile the Soviet Union are at standoff face again. Once again War has started between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The battle between Armenia and Azerbaijan is on the disputed area of Nagorno-Karabakh. Airstrikes and tank attacks were started from both sides, till now 23 people have been killed and more than 100 people have injured. Among deceased 16 were soldiers while rest were civilians.

 Ministry of Defence of Armenia has claimed that it has destroyed three tanks and two helicopters of Azerbaijan. However, Azerbaijan is not accepting such claims.

Turkey comes in support of Azerbaijan

 Meanwhile, Turkey has announced to support Azerbaijan in the war. Turkey declares help to Azerbaijan, in the most dreaded fight since 2016. On Sunday, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan tweeted, “I and all Turkish citizens are standing with Azerbaijan.  By invading Azerbaijan, Armenia has proved once again that it is dangerous to the peace of the world.  I would like to ask the citizens of Armenia to oppose the government for their future. The government of Armenia is domesticating you.”

Russia appealed for peace

 Russia has appealed for peace with Armenia and Azerbaijan. Foreign Ministry of Russia said that it is ready for mediation. To initiate the Mediation process, both countries must have to stop the war immediately.

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Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is negotiating with both sides for a ceasefire.

The bone of Contention Between the two

 There has been a long-standing dispute between these two countries of the former Soviet Union over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.  At the international level, this area is considered to be a part of Azerbaijan, while Armenia also claims it.  This area is not under the control of Azerbaijan since the 1994 war. Soldiers of both countries are stationed in this area.  Spreading over 4,400 km, most of the terrain of Nagorno-Karabakh is mountainous. This is not the first time when these two are at face to face, recently there was a clash between the two countries in July last year in which 16 people died.