Coronavirus Tips: Keep These Points In Your Mind While Using The Face Mask

by Shatakshi Gupta

It is extremely important to wear a mask to avoid corona.  This prevents droplets from coming out during speaking, coughing, sneezing. A report of Ipsos states that 76 per cent of people in urban areas of India are using masks.  Many types of trendy masks are also available in the market.

 According to WHO, masks should be used as a way to prevent transmission and save lives.  Apart from this, we should avoid shaking hands, maintain at least 6 feet distance, repeated hand washes and cover the face with a mask to avoid the virus.

 Now when it comes to how to wear a mask, it is necessary to wear it properly.  Mask that can prevent infection when used incorrectly can also create new problems.  In such a situation, we should know what precautions we need to take while wearing it.  According to WHO, masks must be properly worn and disposed of, so that they are effective and prevent transmission from growing.  It is very important to keep these things in mind while wearing a medical mask.

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What you should take care of?

  • Wear the mask carefully and make sure that it is covering your mouth and nose properly.  After this, tie it properly, so that there is no gap anywhere on the face.
  •  Avoid touching the mask while wearing.
  • Remove the mask correctly.  Do not touch the front of the mask while removing and open from the back.
  • if you have inadvertently touched the mask, use alcohol-based hand rub to clean the hands.  If you see dirt on your hands, first clean it with soap and water.
  • If the mask has deteriorated, replace it immediately with a clean and dry mask.
  •  Do not reuse single-use masks.  Dispose of properly once used.

Avoid these common mistakes

Choose correct size

 Keep in mind that choose the mask with the right fitting for you, because after choosing the mask of the wrong fitting, you will have to touch it again and again to adjust.  If the mask is small it will not cover your nose and mouth.  If it is too big then gaps will remain between the mask and the face.  To avoid this problem, choose the right size.

Repeatedly adjusting mask

 People adjust the mask very slightly to sweat or breathe through the face.  Although this is incorrect.  Touching the mask or face with dirty hands is a bad habit and increases the likelihood of infection.  Remember the last touched surface before touching the mask or stop touching the mask at all.

Uncovered Nose

 Many people keep their nose outside the mask due to heat or various other reasons, while it makes them vulnerable to infection.  If you stepping out while covering the mouth and nose incompletely with a mask,  then wearing or not wearing a mask is the same thing.

Removal of the mask while talking

 The main reason for applying the mask is to trap droplets.  If you remove the mask while talking with someone, then the drops coming out of the other person’s mouth will reach you and vice versa and the whole purpose of the mask will be defeated.  In such a case, the risk of spreading infection increases.  Do not interact after removing the mask.

Incorrect removal of the mask

 Do not touch the mask from the front.  If you want to remove the mask, then open the knot on the back.  Open the bandages of the mask from behind the ear or head and remove it comfortably.  Dispose immediately after removing the mask and sanitize the hands. Keep in mind that you are disposing of mask in a sealed bag.

Frequent Side Changing

 Take full care of the sides while wearing a cloth mask.  Due to frequent side changes, the possibility of the virus reaching inside your body by staying on the mask increases.

Do not slide the mask below the chin

 Do not bring the mask to the chin while talking or eating.  It is better to remove the mask altogether.  Because the chin is not already covered and was completely exposed to the environment. In such a situation, bringing the mask to the chin can infect it.  If you want to remove the mask, remove it with caution.