Drinking Water In This Manner Will Prevent You From Coronavirus Infection

by Shatakshi Gupta

You have been definitely tracking the COIVD-19 vaccine development and the drugs which are helpful in minimizing the mortalities caused by this deadly virus. Today we have brought such a piece of news for you, after knowing which you will definitely get relieved. As per a report, Plain water is playing a huge role in preventing coronavirus infection. It is just necessary that you drink it in such a way that it works to eliminate the virus.

The Centre for Vectors and Research Biotechnology of Russia has started to study the coronavirus, the institute also studied the weaknesses of the virus. Based on the different tests conducted during this study, the researchers found that if coronavirus enters into the body of a person and that person continues to consume water kept at normal room temperature then the Coronavirus does not get an opportunity to flourish and make its own copy.

According to the report, coronavirus infection can be prevented from growing inside the body by drinking water of normal temperature i.e. water kept at room temperature and by maintaining appropriate water level in the body. This research also revealed that within 24 hours of the virus entering the body, if the appropriate amount of water kept at normal temperature is consumed, then the virus is eliminated by about 90 per cent. And within 72 hours it can be eliminated up to 99.9 per cent of the virus by taking the right amount of water and following a healthy daily routine. That is, if you consume the right amount of clean and plain water every day, you can avoid Coronavirus infection.

Also read: Corona Virus Updates: Vaccines In Process, All You Need To Know

If the water you are consuming is boiled, then you will get more benefits. According to the researcher team, boiled water prevents the Coronavirus from producing copies of it inside the body.

When the Coronavirus enters our body, it starts making its duplicate copies very quickly to dominate and control our whole body. But people who constantly drink boiled water, if their body is completely healthy, then this virus does not flourish in their body.